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The Nesta Christmas storage box 45L with trays for 64 baubles is a great way to store your Christmas baubles safely and securely. The box is made of high-quality plastic and features a clear lid so you can easily see what's inside. The box also has two trays that hold the baubles in place, preventing them from getting damaged. This 45 liter Christmas storage box is the perfect storage solution for your Christmas balls. The box comes with an insert in which you can store 64 Christmas balls. The tray ensures even safer storage of the Christmas balls. The handle makes it easier to remove the trays from the box. The special division of the tray ensures that no fragile items are broken. This box has a lid with compartments, making it possible to store your other decorations in the box as well. Our Nesta Christmas storage boxes are perfectly stackable and transparent so you can easily see what is stored inside. The cutouts on the side make it easy to carry the storage box