qty 2 trunk struts for skoda fabia 5 door hatckback 2006 2014 492mm rear tailgate boot gas springs strut bar lift support shock
qty 2 trunk struts for skoda fabia 5 door hatckback 2006 2014 492mm rear tailgate boot gas springs strut bar lift support shock
Homesmiths Foot Door Stops are so much better than wooden door stops because they never provide a risk of damaging your door and create a stopper shaped hole on the rear side of the door. They come with a simple yet effective mechanism where you can easily push down a stainless-steel latch which has a rubber pad at the end to cause a lot of friction and effectively stop the door from closing on its own due to air or something else. .(1)Easy to use quick mechanism which stops the door from closing on its own.(2)Built from premium and durable metal.(3)Comes with rubber pads(4)Available in a lot of different layouts and designs for your every need